I want to say a few things about crystal meth, aka Tina, Crissy, Crystal etc ... Fucking Listen Up!
First of all - Its hard to write anything that will convince people who do drugs not to do them without sounding a little like ... Nancy Reagan or someone's grandma but this is important so if you've ever done crystal... snorted it, smoked it, swallowed it or put it up your butt you probably think you already know all about it and that what you've just started reading is bullshit and meant for teenagers.
Wrong, wrong, wrong! This is an adult website and minors aren't allowed to view it's pages. The Nancy Reagan-ish, grandma-speak that you've just started reading is intended to help you! I'm not some holier-than-thou fag who thinks his shit doesn't stink. I know about that of which I speak. I know a lot.
Crystal meth doesn't care if you're a 47 year old school teacher, a 21 year old flight attendant, a senior at a university, an unemployed graduate student, a latino shipping clerk, a fabulous hairdresser, an actor, an activist, a circuit boy, a cashier, an accountant, a pilot or DEAD.
Crystal makes everyone feel good for a while. You can feel very good for a while. There is a basic laundry list of facts about crystal meth aka Tina that are irrefutable facts and since you spend hard earned money on it...why shouldn't you know what those facts are? They're all listed below. Consider it a free online education about something you as a consumer have every right to know... not from someone standing at the pulpit in a church, but from another gay man just like you.
Why do so many gay men do crystal?
If you're doing crystal you've heard all of this before. Reasons range from being able to clean the house quicker, to being able to suck cock all night, take a really big dick up your ass or to get the nerve up to bottom. Some guys use cause their loney or feel inadequate. If your pee pee is tiny and youre a little bit chubby, you feel way better about yourself when your tweaked up. Of course you do! You really don't know what the fuck is going on. I used to think that with a few bumps in me I could solve all of the world's problems and talk forever about anything.
A sure cure for thinking you're the shit when you're tweaking is to set up a webcam before you get high, and then watch it in a few days when you're stone cold sober. It's hideous and embarassing!
How do you.....?
You can swallow it in pill form. I've never done it and I can't imagine that it wouldn't make me throw up - but I've seen it done.
Snort it. Oh Fuck yeah. Used to be my thing! 12 years later there's still a place just inside my right nostril that feels like a wart and a place right beside it thats almost paper thin. That's from the crystal hitting the inside of your nose over and over and over...for days, weeks, months and years on end.
You can smoke it - Always seemed gross to me. I also was told that although you got high faster...the high didn't last as long, so I wasn't interested. I also figured that you couldn't throw a bowl down if the cops busted in. I was sure I'd have been able to ditch the little baggies I was holding.
You can also put it up your ass - or slam it with a needle.
To be continued - In the meantime - Stay Home, Eat, Be Healthy! No Crystal!